Page 29 - Gŵyr Bryntawe 6th Form Prospectus 2022
P. 29

Pam astudio Ffiseg?
• Ffiseg yw'r ymgais i ddeall natur y byd yr ydym yn byw ynddo, ac y mae wedi rhoi golwg newydd i ni ar y modd y mae'r bydysawd yn gweithio. Mae mecaneg cwantwm, perthnasedd, ffiseg gronynnau, theori caos, seryddiaeth a gwyddor y gofod i gyd wedi chwyldroi ein ffordd o edrych ar y byd, ac maen nhw'n destunau ymchwil newydd ac anturus.
• Mae cyfuno Ffiseg gyda chyrsiau fel Cemeg, Bioleg, Mathemateg, Electroneg, Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Cerdd neu Ieithoedd yn cynnig cyfuniad gwerthfawr ar gyfer ystod o yrfaoedd (Peirianyddiaeth, Electroneg, Meddygaeth, Diwydiant awyrofod, Diwydiant cyfathrebu, Cyfrifiadureg, Trydanwr, Meteorolegydd, Pensaer) a chyrsiau prifysgol.
Beth yw cynnwys y cwrs?
• Mae gwaith ymarferol yn rhan hanfodol o Ffiseg ac felly mae'n rhan annatod o'r cynnwys ac yn gyfrifol am 10% o’r asesiad terfynol.
• Mae’r themâu o fewn y cwrs yn eang, er enghraifft, mudiant egni a thrydan, tonnau a gronynnau, osgiliadau a meysydd, electromagneteg a niwclysau.
• Mae cyfle i ystyried gwahanol ffyrdd o ddefnyddio Ffiseg ym maes peirianneg a thechnoleg. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn astudio cyd-destunau sylfaenol ffiseg, cinemateg, opteg, dirgryniadau, ceryntau eiledol a thermodynameg sylfaenol.
• Mae chwilio am ystyr bywyd, gwirionedd a’r gwerthoedd pennaf yn ganolog i astudio Ffiseg. Yn benodol, mae Ffiseg yn rhoi’r cyfle i ystyried, o safbwynt hanesyddol, sut mae gwaith arbrofol wedi datblygu a newid damcaniaethau ffisegol (e.e. ffiseg cwantwm, ymbelydredd, chwilio mater). Drwy hyn, daw’r myfyrwyr i werthfawrogi cyfraniad unigolion i ddatblygiad cysyniadau o bwys.
Why study Physics?
• Physics seeks to understand the nature of the world in which we live and has offered startling new insights into the way the universe works. Quantum mechanics, relativity, particle physics, chaos theory, astronomy and space science have all revolutionised human knowledge, and are the subject of new and exciting research.
• Studying Physics along with courses such as Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Electronics, Design and Technology, Music Technology or Languages provides a gateway to a wide range of careers (Engineering, Electronics, Medicine, Aerospace industry, Communications industry, Electrician, Meteorologist, Architect) and University.
What is the course content?
• Practical work is an essential feature of Physics and as such is integral to the content. Practical assessment represents 10% of the final mark.
• A wide range of topics is studied, for example, motion, energy and charge, waves and particles, practical physics, oscillations and fields, electromagnetism and nuclei.
• Physics provides opportunities to consider a range of applications in areas of engineering and technology. Candidates will study basic physics, kinematics, optics, vibrations, alternating currents, and basic thermodynamics.
• The quest for the meaning in life, truth and ultimate values is central to the study of physics and in particular, provides opportunities to consider, from a historical perspective, how experimental work has developed and modified physical theories (e.g. quantum physics, radioactivity, probing matter). In this way candidates can appreciate the contributions of individuals to major conceptual developments.
Uned 1
Mudiant, Egni a Mater
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Uned 2
Trydan a Golau
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Uned 3
Osgiliadau a Niwclysau
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Uned 4
Meysydd ac Opsiynau
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Uned 5
Arholiad ymarferol
Arholiad ymarferol mewnol
Unit 1
Motion, Energy and Matter
Written examination
Unit 2
Electricity and Light
Written examination
Unit 3
Oscillations and Nuclei
Written examination
Unit 4
Fields and Optics
Written examination
Unit 5
Practical examination
Internal Practical examination

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